December 5, 2011

Remembering Murdered Women Around the World

Artist Lise Bjorne Linnert has catapulted this ongoing social project involving 3,700 people in over 25 countries. As of June 2011, more than 5,500 hand-embroidered labels have been displayed to represent women who have fallen victim to extreme violence. The generally pink panel is adorned with countless white labels displaying the names of these women who met…
The iPhone's camera has been getting better and better with each new generation. However, due to some shortcomings, such as a small lens, they haven't been able to completely overtake the small personal camera market. With DeRosa's Italian designer Antonio DeRosa revolutionary iPhone case concept, that could soon change.
DeRosa's concept is a case that the iPhone fits…

The Art of Meticulous Disassembly

Artist Todd McLellan has more patience than all of us combined. Meticulously taking apart classic objects such as a typewriter or flip clock, he breaks them down piece by piece and separates them into groups. After he places all the pieces onto a white background with all the parts laid out together, he produces exquisitely detailed images that display the inner mechanics behind the…

November 7, 2011

Overcoming Double Vision Through Art

At first glance, these gorgeous images by Pakayla Rae Biehn appear to be really impressive double-exposure photographs. What may surprise you is that they’re actually photo-realistic paintings!
i1a35 Overcoming Double Vision Through Art

Digital Art by Yang Fan

i need your help Digital Art by Yang Fan
Stunning digital artwork by Yang Fan. Yang Fan is a fantasy digital artist from Shenzhen, China. She started drawing when was only 5 years old. She went to the AIS of Seattle for an AAA degree in Multimedia and web design. She works as a texture and interface design artist at CATdaddy games, mostly doing 2D illustrations and interface designs.

Pine martens occupy woodpecker’s nest

A family of pine martens scurried into an empty woodpecker’s nest and took up residence while the bird was away. Photographer Hillebrand Breuker captured the rodents peeking out of the nest located in the Drents Friese Wold national park in the Netherlands. viaHungeree.
pine martens nl Pine martens occupy woodpeckers nest

October 31, 2011

Incredible Pumpkin Sculptures

If you were lucky enough to be in Vegas this weekend, you may have seen some incredible pumpkin sculptures gracing the Halloween events inside nightclubs TAO and Lavo. "The Picasso of Pumpkins" Ray Villafane (who may remember from this post) partnered up with fellow artists, including Andy… Continue 
portada 5大师德尔恐怖

Occupy Wall Street: Pink Slip

pb 111031 ows 01.pinkslip 750x484 Occupy Wall Street: Pink Slip
An Occupy Wall Street protestor donned a superhero costume today for Halloween but she wasn’t Wonder Woman, She-Hulk, or Black Widow. No, she became a caped crusader known as ‘Pink Slip’ who tells Wall Street bankers, “You’re Fired” because of the festering pit of discontent they’ve leveled on Main Street. via Hungeree.

October 29, 2011

The 22 Best Animated Movies

Compared to traditional movies, animated ones have always been in something of a ghetto. Too often relegated as “kid’s stuff”, they rarely get the respect they deserve — which is a shame as they’re some of the most beautiful and innovative movies imaginable. This list is the 22 animated films that I think are beyond compare. I decided we have to stick with western titles, as as soon you include anime, there are way too many to choose from. This handful of American, European and Canadian titles sets the bar for the best animated movies of all time....Continue reading »

Voortrekker Visual Studio

01 fem sublimatico Voortrekker Visual Studio

Recreating Masterpieces with Flower Petals

 Recreating Masterpieces with Flower Petals
While creating his Exploded Flowers series, it occurred to artist Qi Wei “that petals and individual components of flowers are literally individual brush-strokes of nature.” Going along with that idea, he’s created these beautiful floral paintings which are inspired by famous masterpieces themselves.

October 28, 2011

The 60 Best Natural Breasts of 2011

The 60 Best Natural Breasts of 2011 [PHOTOS]

Japanese Earthquake Seismogram Sculpture

.Artist Luke Jerram has taken a 9 minute excerpt from the 2011 Tōhoku Japanese earthquake and tsunami seismogram and transformed it into a three-dimensional sculpture. By using computer technology, Jerram rotated the seismogram to find a successful 3-D image. He then created the image with the use of a rapid prototyping machine to get the sculpture you see now. The piece… Continue

Forever Bicycles by Ai Weiwei

The Taipei Fine Arts Museum gave the media a preview of the “Ai Weiwei Absent” exhibition today with a peek at Ai Weiwei’s ‘Forever Bicycles’ installation. The exhibition contains 21 works from the dissident Chinese artist including photographs, sculptures, and installations. The exhibition runs from October 29, 2011 to January 29, 2012. via Hungeree.
pb 111028 bicycles weiwei ps.photoblog900 750x488 Forever Bicycles by Ai Weiwei

October 27, 2011

The new Incredible design of the Italian newspaper

otherinfographics中国PH 750x572意大利报纸的新的令人难以置信的设计
“伊尔”,金正日独家24矿月刊创新男人的意见,它的变化。3年后,33个数字,8个国际奖项新闻语言风格和创新的图形,该杂志的独家金正日24 ORElaunched进一步发展在工厂中的内容,图形和摄影的一个新的挑战... ...

iPhone Painting by Jorgo Colombo

jorge colombo iphone finger painting 600x416 iPhone Painting by Jorgo Colombo
These amazing painting are made on location with just Jorgo Colombo fingers and his iPhone ! See a lot more here

July 26, 2011

Super Macro Photography — Detail You Might Never Seen Before

Macro 1 Super Macro Photography   Detail You Might Never Seen Before

Macro pho­tog­ra­phy is an art of tak­ing close-​​up pic­tures, usu­ally of very small sub­jects. Clas­si­cally a macro pho­to­graph is one in which the size of the sub­ject on the neg­a­tive is greater than life size.  Click Here To See More

Tree Hotel in Harads — Sweden

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This tree-​​top hotel room by Swedish archi­tects Cyrén & Cyrén is accessed via a bridge lead­ing from the hilly for­est to an entrance on the roof.The Cabin hangs from the trees and has a roof ter­race over­look­ing the forest.This project is one of five rooms of the Tree Hotel in Harads, north­ern Swe­den.
See More on ReCraft

Oil Bikinis in Sexy Surfrider Calendar

Though to many, the very idea of oil bikinis may seem a bit ridiculous, you can't help but be mesmerized by this creative calendar for the Surfrider Foundation in Europe. (The organization's mission is to protect the ocean and its…Continue

June 6, 2011

Impressive advertisings about human rights and responsibilities

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Nowa days, there are more and more social prob lems in our world, from chil dren labor, harass ment, social dis eases … Many non-​​profit orga ni za tions have been estab lished to raise the aware ness and encour age human rights, respon si bil i ties to social issues and sup port them. To com mu ni cate the mes sages wider and put them deeper in mind of peo ple, a lot of adver tis ing cam paigns were cre ated. Instead of a long essay with hun dred words, an impres sive image will be eas ier for audi ence to remem ber and let them take actions. Hope fully, all of us can remem ber at least 2 or 3 from the mes sages below.  More adver tis ing here

Beautiful Pictures that Look Like Paintings

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While we’re com pletely blown away when we see paint ings that look like pic tures, we’re even more excited when we come across pic tures that look like paint ings! Such is this set, called Painted Ladies, by Bar bara Cole. The self-​​taught pho tog ra pher not only chal lenges our real ity, she does it all using Polaroid film!  - See more at My Mod ern Met.


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March 26, 2011

All Eyes on Me – 100 Creative Eye Close-up Photos

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Our outer and inner worlds are reflected in our eyes, that’s something we all know since we were little kids. It’s a unique thing that opens doors into some misterious and unknown worlds that are full of magic and secrets. People are always free to choose in what colors they prefer to see the world: pink glasses will make outward things seem aerial and romantic, while black glasses will dip you into the abyss of despair. Only your eyes will tell the truth to the world and will reflect everything that’s in fact happening to you.More photos!

Arthur Mole’s Extraordinary Mass Photography

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Almost a cen tury ago and with out the aid of any pixel-​​generating com puter soft ware, the itin er ant pho tog ra pher Arthur Mole (1889–1983) used his 11 x 14-​​inch view cam era to stage a series of extra or di nary mass pho to­graphic spec ta cles that chore o graphed liv ing bod ies into sym bolic for ma tions of reli gious and national com­mu nity. In these mass orna ments, thou sands of mil i tary troops and other groups were arranged art fully to form Amer i can patri otic sym bols, emblems, and mil i tary insignia vis i ble from a bird’s eye per spec tive. Dur ing World War I, these mil i tary for ma tions came to serve as ral ly ing points to sup port Amer i can involve ment in the war and to ward off iso la tion ist tendencies.  Read more »


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