June 6, 2011

Impressive advertisings about human rights and responsibilities

the image

the image

Nowa days, there are more and more social prob lems in our world, from chil dren labor, harass ment, social dis eases … Many non-​​profit orga ni za tions have been estab lished to raise the aware ness and encour age human rights, respon si bil i ties to social issues and sup port them. To com mu ni cate the mes sages wider and put them deeper in mind of peo ple, a lot of adver tis ing cam paigns were cre ated. Instead of a long essay with hun dred words, an impres sive image will be eas ier for audi ence to remem ber and let them take actions. Hope fully, all of us can remem ber at least 2 or 3 from the mes sages below.  More adver tis ing here