March 26, 2011

Arthur Mole’s Extraordinary Mass Photography

the image

Almost a cen tury ago and with out the aid of any pixel-​​generating com puter soft ware, the itin er ant pho tog ra pher Arthur Mole (1889–1983) used his 11 x 14-​​inch view cam era to stage a series of extra or di nary mass pho to­graphic spec ta cles that chore o graphed liv ing bod ies into sym bolic for ma tions of reli gious and national com­mu nity. In these mass orna ments, thou sands of mil i tary troops and other groups were arranged art fully to form Amer i can patri otic sym bols, emblems, and mil i tary insignia vis i ble from a bird’s eye per spec tive. Dur ing World War I, these mil i tary for ma tions came to serve as ral ly ing points to sup port Amer i can involve ment in the war and to ward off iso la tion ist tendencies.  Read more »