April 21, 2009

Amazing Cam Shoots 1000 Frames Per Second

I-Movix SprintCam v3 NAB 2009 showreel from David Coiffier on Vimeo.
"Here is the first SprintCam v3 showreel, made for NAB 2009 exhibition.
Mostly 1000FPS shots, made during a recent rugby competition in the Stade de France, Paris.

Don't forget to use the download link for best experience...

edit : some people are complaining they can't download source file anymore. There may be a Vimeo quota, or something I'm not aware of.
Anyway, I-Movix is now providing access to a mirror H264 1280x720 file, and also to the full size 1920x1080 master ProResHQ file. Enjoy!


Dave  "