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Lymantrid moth (Dasychira pudibunda)

“The Lymantrid moth (Calliteara pudibunda) is widespread in Danish beech (Fagus sylvatica) forests. The species has one generation in Denmark, with the dull grey moth flying during June. Each female can lay 300-400 eggs which she normally does very near the place where she emerged from the pupae. The small caterpillar is very hairy and can easily be transported by the wind. In late autumn the caterpillar is fully grown, is about 5 cm long and is very beautifully coloured. Pupation takes place among leaves on the ground where a silken cocoon is made. (Photo by: Malgorzata Tomkowicz) ”
Devil's Flower Mantis (Idolomantis Diabolica)

“The Idolomantis Diabolica is sometimes known as the "King of all mantids" for the obvious reason: it's beauty, size and rarity, is one of the largestspecies of praying mantis that mimic flowers. (Photo by: Scott Thompson) ”