April 30, 2009


Mutsugoto from Distance Lab on Vimeo.

10 Strange vessel for Tea

April 29, 2009

Zhang Haiying

Zhang Haiying is born in 1972, is an artist based in Songzhuang, China. Zhang was born in Beijing. He is a painter. His Anti-Vice Campaign series is based on images taken from the internet of women involved in the Chinese government’s crackdown on prostitution and pornography. However, in paintings shown at Art Beijing 2007, Zhang began to move away from the previous socio-political themes present in his work. He graduated in 1997 from the Fine Arts Department of Shang Dong Academy of Fine Arts.


Denise Milani

看见好多老外在twitterDenise Milani生日快乐,似乎今天是她生日。这可是个真正的超级波霸美女!链接里看吧!

April 28, 2009


Thanks  afuckaday

视线 - 北朝鲜






Liv Tyler - 《Stealing Beauty》

laetitia casta -《La Bicyclette Bleue》

angelina jolie - 《Original sin》

April 27, 2009


这是什么意思?这是一张肉做的名片,100%的纯牛肉制作而成,这不是在开玩笑,而是有人真的在做这门子的生意。 :) 我很乐意收到这样的名片,这将让看美剧的时光变得更加意。

James Kuhn 的脸绘艺术

James Kuhn 是来自美国的一位著名脸绘艺术家,年纪已经四十过半,但他的脸部彩绘作品却充满了童趣与可爱,这个极不寻常的大叔真是让我心生敬意!你可以通过这里去看看为什么他为什么是个很棒很牛的大叔!

Confessions of a Naked Sushi Model

"Lying here diagonally across the top of a dining table in the back room of Ambassador Wines and Spirits, naked except for the scallop shells covering my nipples and the silk scarf sheltering my crotch, while guests gorge on sushi and sashimi pieces plucked from my torso, I require your cooperation.

There is more than raw fish at stake. I owe it to Hirosaki Koko, the caterer who invited me here tonight, to remain completely still. I owe it to the customers who have paid good money for a dining experience spiked with a dose of sexual fetishism. And I owe it to the spirit of the Japanese practice of Nyotaimori."


April 26, 2009


近日,英格兰普利茅斯附近的一居民整修房屋时在浴室楼上墙里发现了这只木乃伊猫,距今已有400年的猫形状保持的很好,牙齿和爪子依然存在。该猫的体态要大于现在家猫,据英国研究巫术和民俗的专家说,几百年的人们认为把猫埋入墙壁会带来好的运气,可以避开巫婆害虫邪恶等等任何可能对房屋的威胁,这种做法在当时的欧洲大陆非常的普遍。。。。 祥情见这里


爱,无处不在 :)


evolution of the muff!

:) 这个有点搞!更多的插图请访问美国加州设计师Ashkah Shahparnia的站点

Gullwing-America modernizes the Mercedes 300SL

2009全新美国版的奔驰鸥翼式300Sl汽车,来自梅赛德斯自己的M - 133 - 55引擎,5.5升V8引擎采用了F1迈凯轮赛车的增压装置,370匹马力。祥情请访问autoblog 

April 24, 2009

Denise Richards

在《明日帝国》里扮演核器专家的邦女郎丹尼斯·理查兹(denise richards)曾经是个男人们血脉贲涨的大美女,也曾被《Stuff》杂志评为“世界上最性感的女人”之一,当时被视为和安吉丽娜·朱莉,凯瑟琳·泽塔琼斯并列的尤物,也曾差点出演《古墓丽影》。不知道怎么回事,现在竟然已经沦为了三流的演员,这里贴几个它曾经的电影热片段。


  Lymantrid moth (Dasychira pudibunda)

“The Lymantrid moth (Calliteara pudibunda) is widespread in Danish beech (Fagus sylvatica) forests. The species has one generation in Denmark, with the dull grey moth flying during June. Each female can lay 300-400 eggs which she normally does very near the place where she emerged from the pupae. The small caterpillar is very hairy and can easily be transported by the wind. In late autumn the caterpillar is fully grown, is about 5 cm long and is very beautifully coloured. Pupation takes place among leaves on the ground where a silken cocoon is made. (Photo by: Malgorzata Tomkowicz) ”

 Devil's Flower Mantis (Idolomantis Diabolica)

“The Idolomantis Diabolica is sometimes known as the "King of all mantids" for the obvious reason: it's beauty, size and rarity, is one of the largestspecies of praying mantis that mimic flowers. (Photo by: Scott Thompson) ”

April 23, 2009

Michael Alan Art

很有名的当代艺术Michael Alan Art  

10 Classic South Park Impersonations


Don't Ram the Boobs - Watch more Funny Videos

April 22, 2009


摄影师 Poras Chaudhary 镜头下的印度:出生在印度北部一个小村庄的Poras Chaudhar曾经是个板球运动员,后来因为受伤不得不中止运动生涯,回到一个小镇无所事事的他迷上了摄影,从一部佳能350D于2005年开始他的摄影生涯。他说这是件非常令人兴奋的事情,摄影是他的一种激情,相机是他每天无法分离的。。。。。

Thanks desinuts



April 21, 2009


HBO/Movie from Kenky on Vimeo.
HBO是Home Box Office的缩写,也就是“家庭票房”的意思,是美国最大的电影频道,这个播放电影的电视频道在世界各地都广负盛名,是业界的先驱。除了播放各大电影公司的强片之外,它也自制影片并屡获殊荣,比如我们熟知的《欲望都市》《兄弟连》。。。等等,在亚洲的很多国家和地区也都有其频道的存在,比如新加坡,香港,马来西亚等地,在国内有些涉外饭店或住宅也有这个频道。这个视频是HBO电影的一个类如宣传片这样的,通过一栋楼每个房间的不同故事的戏剧性来反映生活。很有意思!呵,里面的故事你都看了吗?


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