Dwarf tossing is widely considered to be offensive to the dignity of dwarfs, and some legislators have considered bans. Proponents of the sport have criticized such moves, with some arguing bans deny dwarfs a possible source of income. (简介:1980年起源于澳大利亚队的投掷侏儒比赛,小矮人们穿上特殊的服装被投掷到床垫或特殊墙体上,比赛谁投的最远,往后这项运动被认为是对矮人尊严的冒犯,相关机构考虑立法禁止,但遭到该运动倡议者的批评,说这让小矮人们失去了重要的经济来源。)

The first on-off air guitar competitions have been organized in the early 1980s in Sweden and in the United States. With rules such as “No back-up bands – air or real – are allowed” and “Competitors may finger pick or strum with either electric or acoustic – but all ‘real’ instruments are banned”, it’s obvious that these guitar heroes take the competition quite seriously. In 2008, the gold winner was Craig “Hot Lixx Hulahan” Billmeie from the US. (简介:最初源自一个笑话的空气击他比赛现在已经成为了一项世界性的赛事,也是一个音乐节的重要组成部分,2008年的金牌由一位美国人获得)