July 26, 2011

Super Macro Photography — Detail You Might Never Seen Before

Macro 1 Super Macro Photography   Detail You Might Never Seen Before

Macro pho­tog­ra­phy is an art of tak­ing close-​​up pic­tures, usu­ally of very small sub­jects. Clas­si­cally a macro pho­to­graph is one in which the size of the sub­ject on the neg­a­tive is greater than life size.  Click Here To See More

Tree Hotel in Harads — Sweden

tumblr lopixmFUog1qjtvg7o1 r1 500 Tree Hotel in Harads   Sweden

tumblr lopixmFUog1qjtvg7o2 r1 500 Tree Hotel in Harads   Sweden

This tree-​​top hotel room by Swedish archi­tects Cyrén & Cyrén is accessed via a bridge lead­ing from the hilly for­est to an entrance on the roof.The Cabin hangs from the trees and has a roof ter­race over­look­ing the forest.This project is one of five rooms of the Tree Hotel in Harads, north­ern Swe­den.
See More on ReCraft

Oil Bikinis in Sexy Surfrider Calendar

Though to many, the very idea of oil bikinis may seem a bit ridiculous, you can't help but be mesmerized by this creative calendar for the Surfrider Foundation in Europe. (The organization's mission is to protect the ocean and its…Continue