Our outer and inner worlds are reflected in our eyes, that’s something we all know since we were little kids. It’s a unique thing that opens doors into some misterious and unknown worlds that are full of magic and secrets. People are always free to choose in what colors they prefer to see the world: pink glasses will make outward things seem aerial and romantic, while black glasses will dip you into the abyss of despair. Only your eyes will tell the truth to the world and will reflect everything that’s in fact happening to you.More photos!
March 26, 2011
Arthur Mole’s Extraordinary Mass Photography
Almost a cen tury ago and with out the aid of any pixel-generating com puter soft ware, the itin er ant pho tog ra pher Arthur Mole (1889–1983) used his 11 x 14-inch view cam era to stage a series of extra or di nary mass pho tographic spec ta cles that chore o graphed liv ing bod ies into sym bolic for ma tions of reli gious and national commu nity. In these mass orna ments, thou sands of mil i tary troops and other groups were arranged art fully to form Amer i can patri otic sym bols, emblems, and mil i tary insignia vis i ble from a bird’s eye per spec tive. Dur ing World War I, these mil i tary for ma tions came to serve as ral ly ing points to sup port Amer i can involve ment in the war and to ward off iso la tion ist tendencies. Read more »
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