February 13, 2011

Sweet Heart

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Anatomical heart cupcakes made by the Black Cherry Bakery for the London Dungeon.  Awesome!  More >

Anna Di Prospero

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Anna Di Pros pero is a tal ented Pho tog ra pher stu dent from the Euro pean Insti tute of Design in Rome.

Wild Wet T-Shirt Girls on White T-Shirt Day

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February 10, 2011

Study: Sex workers make more just by carrying a Blackberry

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In this month's Wired, Columbia sociologist Sudhir Venkatesh presents the fascinating results of years spent studying sex workers and technology. Venkatesh interviewed 290 women; his discoveries were many...Continue

February 9, 2011

The 27 Sexiest Australian Women

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The 27 Sexiest Australian Women [Galleries]

Klaus Pichler

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Klaus Pich ler was born 1977 and lives in Vienna, Aus tria. After grad u at ing from uni ver sity in 2005 he decided to quit his pro fes sion as a land scape archi tect and become a full time pho tog ra pher– with out any edu ca tion in pho tog ra phy. The top ics of his work are the hid den aspects of every day life in its vary ing forms, as well as social groups with their own codes and rules.  

10 Best iPhone Apps for Designers

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Designers needs lots of creativity and time, if you are designer working on projects of your clients then it’s very critical to manage all things. Here we collected 10 best (not top) iPhone Apps which are essential for every designers. They will help you to manage many small things.... Continue

February 3, 2011

Man Behind Those Sad Cement Sculptures

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Chances are you've already seen artist Isaac Cordal's sad street sculptures while browsing the web. Made of cement, then reproduced with silicone molds, these tiny sculptures are usually hidden on the street - alone and isolated from the world.… Continue


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February 2, 2011

Lui Liu

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Ask Men's Top 99 Women of 2011!

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 Who are the most desirable women of 2011? AM's annual list of the Top 99 Most Desirable Women has returned and we have a new queen!  Read more