July 30, 2010

Fantastic Furry Monsters by Lisa Evans

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"UK-based illustrator Lisa Evans has a knack for creating fantastic furry friends living in worlds filled with whimsy and wonder. Though in her earlier work she mainly illustrated using traditional tools like pencil, pen, and… Continue"


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Enjoy your weekend!

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July 28, 2010

5 Weirdest Creatures Ever Found

"Weird creatures tend to show their faces on the planet Earth. Thanks to the Internet we are able to see a lot of freaky unexplainable photos of creatures we are tempted to call monsters. These are, as we see them,top 5 weirdest creatures ever found on the face of the Earth."

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Piglet With Monkey’s Face : The animal has a simian jaw, bulging forehead, small snout and eyes that are so close together that they appear almost attached. Its front legs are much shorter than its back legs, causing it top hop rather than walk on all fours like a normal piglet. The animal was one of five piglets recently born to a sow owned by a family in Fengzhang village, Xiping township. Continue

A Tribute to the Camel Toe

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This photo stream, was done with the only purpose of showing you the inhabitants of the Sierra de Perija, this is a National Park, located in Zulia state, in Venezuela, is well known, for its wildlife and indigenous people that have been living there for centuries. It was a really beautiful experience, and seriously recommended for anyone with an adventurous spirit. more

July 24, 2010

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wow wow... 按老罗的说法,这是彪悍的人生不需要解释。。猛男翘起的脚趾让我有些感动 :)

Incredible NYC Street Graffiti

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Looking for something free to do in NYC? You could always go and explore the art exhibit that is the city. Graffiti can be found on nearly every street......Continue

Hidden Tropical Paradise

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Can you imagine how tranquil this tropical paradise in Bali must be? The bamboo bridge that's hanging right above the river looks like the perfect spot to spend a (technology-free) afternoon.

This hidden gem is owned by L… Continue

July 14, 2010

World’s 20 Craziest Hotels

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For many people a hotel is only a place for having a sleep. Here are the top 20 most unusual hotels in the world, that will give you a most entertaining destination for your next great vacation! +more>>

My TV Remote for your iPhone

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A Universal Remote for your iPhone. $10, it is a iPhone app is called My TV Remote, you can pay $10 via in-app purchase and get a infrared emitter control for TVs shipped to you. Then plug the infrared emitter into the your headphone, now you can use your iPhone to control TV. It looks Cool. more >>

July 13, 2010

July 12, 2010


one word: WOW

Just pics...

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Taking a pleasurable bite… more

Google Juice

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If you want Google Juice? Johannes has made a mysterious Google. Johannes writes:

"Recently I was able to distill the mysterious Google Juice, the etheral substance that floats between web pages. Get your bottle, but beware, it is addictive!
One of the key factors of search engine optimization that is clouded in secrecy is the mysteries Google Juice. It is ment to be an ethereal substance which flowts between web pages via their hyperlinks. The amount of Google Juice flowting around a page thus reflects how well connected it is.
After a long quest I was able to catch the myth-enshrouded liquid and to precess it for mass consumption... more

July 11, 2010

Flora P

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Flora P shoots herself.

When Humans Ruled the Earth

Here's a short animation that shows the human machine and it's consumption addiction.
'If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger.' - Frank Lloyd Wright

July 10, 2010

iPhone 4 film - "Apple of My Eye"

It was only a matter of time that a short movie would be shot and edited entirely on the iPhone 4 / iMovie App. This one was donw in just 48 hours... via

Daisy Lowe for UK esquire HD

Directed by Greg Williams gregwilliams.com during his cover shoot for UK Esquire Magazine July 2010 issue esquire.co.uk
Shot on the Red One with MX Sensor.
Song "Tiger" by Maximum Baloon feat. Aku

vicous dogs attack cat

2 little vicous dogs mock attack ole tomcat

Hilo Chen

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By New York based photo-realist artist Hilo Chen.