January 31, 2009

Chinese Artist Paints Daughter In The Nude As An Oriental Goddess

A 61 year old artist by the name of Mr. Li Zhuang Ping in China and his 23 year old daughter Ms. Li Qin are making news over nude art work. Mr. Ping asked his lovely young daughter to pose nude for a series of his goddess-themed paintings. And as you can see from the art work below, she said yes. So, as you look at Li Qin's amplebreast, know you are looking at her full tits through her father's eye. Note the detailed of the nipples, No Way This is Sick and Totally Disgusting! The father and daughter duo from the Szechuan area have stunned the Chinese art community with their realistic oil paintings. Mr. Li Zhuang Ping said to reporters:

"(his daughter's) form and her natural beauty are what I had in mind for the image of a goddess."

"It was only after getting her approval that I allowed her to be my model."

"I set up a personal blog last year and posted my daughter's and my artworks online. Not one comment posted was of an obscene or sexual nature."

He added: "I created the 'Oriental goddess' series with her. She is both the model in the painting and the artist who creates (the artwork) with me."

"And yes, my wife approved," said Mr Li.

His daughter said she began modeling for him five or six years ago, and also worked with him to create the 'Oriental Goddess' series of oil paintings on canvas. She said, "he found that I possessed the classical beauty of an Oriental female." And with statements like that, of course accusations of incest was not far behind. Some people in China say while there might be no physical relationship between father and daughter, the oil paintings are a kind of spiritual incest. I am not sure about all that, but I am pretty freaked out about how nice this old dude painted his daughter's breast. I am betting he was generous to her... like any proud father would. LOL... Click on pictures to enlarge.(点击图片--放大)

61岁的艺术家李壮平和他亲生23岁女儿李勤 共同创作的写实派油画《东方神女山鬼系列》,父亲的画家,女儿是模特。更具体内容中文的自己搜索一下吧。

Lady and the Tramp - Guinea Pig Style

Very adorable! 非常可爱!

Sebastian Onufszak

德国设计师 Sebastian Onufszak 充满创造力与想像的设计,他的平面设计被索尼,奥迪, MTV公司,百加得,吉普,耐克和RayBan等等国际知名的大公司采用,在多个设计赛中也屡屡获奖!

A guy. A girl. A boat. A horse. A whip.



6:斯嘉丽·约翰逊(Scarlett Johansson) 如你所知,这个名字就是很容易让人发热发烧。

7:克里斯蒂娜 阿奎莱拉(Christina Aguilera) 她的嘴唇和胸部一样,足够丰满,“大”到成了个严肃的问题。

8:艾娃·门德斯(Eva Mendes)不仅在影视里面能看到她的大胆出演,甚至在广告里与平媒里也经常看见她纤毫毕露,能看见一个性感大美女的的裸体,这总是很养眼,当然,同时可以看到她极富挑逗性的性感嘴唇。

9:杰西卡阿尔巴(Jessica Alba)美丽而又甜又性感的典范,有兴趣可以自己找一下她在电影中的一些出演的甜蜜片段,甜蜜与唯美,没有男人会不喜欢这样女人的嘴唇。

10:尼娜莫里奇( Nina Moric)不知道你注意到没有,这位“克罗地亚宝贝”有个令人惊奇的丰满上嘴唇。看起来真是够“骚”




January 30, 2009


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This Is Where We Live

This Is Where We Live from 4th Estate on Vimeo.

Porn mosaic of Jesus Christ

Even the title of the post is weird, but this is a porn mosaic of Jesus Christ.


January 29, 2009

I survived the bush administration

 (via Notcot)



January 28, 2009



1:安吉丽娜朱莉(Angelina Jolie)性感丰满的大嘴唇负责了太多的事情,包括她红得发烫的事业,全球变暖及对安妮斯顿生命的谋杀!

2:梅根福克斯(Megan Fox )几年前看《变形金刚》时就觉得是和朱莉比肩的性感大美人,08年有太多的欧美各种排名都把她排在性感女人的第一位,我觉得,如果她能去除她那些蹩脚的纹身图案,她当然是未来几年欧美女明星中的最让男士们发热的。

3:杰西卡贝尔(Jessica Biel),从她性感的嘴唇,到她的腰,三围等,她体形的哪个部位不完美?也许,只有游戏卡通里面的那些美女的比例尺寸有这么的好!

4:蕾哈娜(Rihanna )她的歌声要比她的嘴唇好,但谁知道呢,也许她丰满的嘴唇对她美妙的声音是个帮助。未来美国流行音乐的超级天后一定是她!

5:瑞秋 比尔森 (Rachel Bilson)比起前几位,也许她还不够大红大紫,但从07年因一部美剧开始,成了美国青少年的偶像,也是美国青少年的时尚着衣打扮的标杆人物,她的每一个穿着打扮都成了美国青少年中的热门话题。人们如此热爱她是因为她的细腻与亲合力,一个细腻亲切又时髦漂亮邻家姑娘的嘴唇难道不是很惹人么?



一些稀奇古怪的纹身,看起来似乎“走得远”了些。在 15 Examples of going a Tad Overboard on the Tattoos

January 27, 2009

"Her Morning Elegance"

White Barack Obama




6:林赛·罗韩(Lindsay Lohan)

7:Sarah Chalke

8:莱西·沙伯特(Lacey Chabert)

January 24, 2009


Happy Chinese new year!